學術研究 / 輔仁法學


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析論管制法規於財產權之保障與限制之調和─以終審法院兩則判決談起 陳旺聖


As real estate transactions become increasingly frequent, disputes arising from complex adjacent relationships and issues such as urban aging and urban renewal continue to occur in society, all of which involve the protection and limitations of individuals’ property rights. In order to ensure that the people in a contemporary rule-of-law state can possess basic human dignity and exercise various fundamental rights freely, a series of regulatory laws and regulations (such as Urban Renewal Act, Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division, etc.) must be established and harmonized.
This article attempts to establish a legal foundation through legal methods, using integrated thinking to establish regulatory laws and regulations within the legal dogmatics framework of property rights protection and limitations. This highlights the justice function of the law. The article selects two legal cases for legal dogmatics establishment: the first case involves the revocation of urban renewal—the Supreme Administrative Court Judgment (109) Pan Tzu No. 364, and the second case pertains to the forced eviction unit ownership—the Supreme Court Civil Judgment (108) Tai-Shang-Tzu No.1541. In the former case, the examination focuses on the legality of the approving of urban renewal projects in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 and Article 32 of the Urban Renewal Act, as well as the proper procedures for determining ownership of land and buildings within the updated units. It explores the role of public interest and proper administrative procedures in regulating property rights changes resulting from urban renewal. In the latter case, it discusses property rights limitations and the protection of the right to a suitable living environment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of Condominium Administration Act Building Administration Division, considering the interests of all building residents and individual unit owners. Special emphasis is placed on how “common relationship” and “significant circumstances” are interpreted and typified.

Keywords: Method of Jurisprudence, Regulatory Laws, Protection of Property Rights, Restriction of Property Rights, Urban Renewal, Public Interests, Condominium, Forced Eviction, Unit Ownership, Right to Residential Environment
壹、 序言
貳、 財產權之法教義學規範構造
參、 都市更新公共利益、正當行政程序與財產權保障之衡酌
肆、 強制出讓區分所有權、居住環境權保障與財產權限制之調和
伍、 結語
論著名稱 編著譯者
土地法第68條登記損害賠償之研究─以賠償要件與適用範圍的爭議問題為主 黃健彰


Article 68 of the Land Act is with great importance since it is related to the issues: whether the injured person is able to claim compensation from the land office due to error, omission, or fraud in registration and the application of registration fund. This study explores the Article from the perspective of interpretation rather than legislation. This study adopts ex ante viewpoint and behavioral theory partially. This study also compares the Article with Australian law (Torrens system) and English law. This study discusses the guide to interpretation and application of the Article, and then deeply analyzes the disputed issues of the requisites and the scope of applying the Article.
This study holds that Article 68 of the Land Act is a provision of the state’s liability for compensation, which also has the nature of social insurance payment partially. When the provision is interpreted and applied, its purpose should be known well, and allocation of risk and consequentialism should be taken into account. The construction of the provision not only supports substantial review of land registration and indefeasibility, but also fulfill the publicity. The provision does not take the registry or the registration officer’s intent or negligence into consideration. Errors in measurement do not always lead to errors in registered area. However, if errors in measurement lead to errors in registered area, they are applicable to the Article. If the registration of main uses, zoning or land for designated uses is error, it is also applicable to the Article. This provision also usually applies to registration error, omission or fraud caused by fraudulent acts of a third party, including the situation that “the third party feigns as the owner to set mortgage for a person fraudulently, and the person whose registration has been cancelled is not the true right holder”.

Keywords: Compensation Due to Registration, Requisite of Compensation, Scope of Application, State Compensation, Registration Fund, Insurance, Torrens System
論著名稱 編著譯者
預付型支付工具監理規範之檢討─以日本支付服務法為比較中心 李旻諺


In Taiwan, the advance payment methods adopt a double-track system and are classified into single-purpose or multi-purpose by whether the user and issuer are under the same business system. The former involves in a contract relationship between the parties by mandatory provisions to be included in and prohibitory provisions of standard form contract stimulated by competent authority; For the latter, as the issuer provides payment services, which is a part of financial services and may pose financial risks, the issuer is supervised and managed by The Act Governing Electronic Payment Institutions. In Japan, prepaid payment instruments are classified into self-issued and third-party issued based on whether the user and issuer have a close relationship, and a single-track regulation is adopted under the Payment Services Act, with different levels of supervision based on the risk level. It classifies advance payment methods into self-owned and third party by whether the user and issuer have close relationship. Even though the classification terms are different, it uses the same criteria to see if the user is limited to issuer only. Therefore, we could use the same idea to identify whether the user and issuer have close relationship by Payment Services Act in Japan. Under the same classification criteria, one adopts single-track system while the other adopts double-track system. The study will set a supervision boundary from the payment service concept to determine which one is more appropriated. In addition, both the Electronic Payment Institution Management Regulations in our country and the Payment Services Act in Japan belong to the payment regulatory framework. Apart from sharing a similar legislative history from the perspective of integrating the virtual and real worlds, they also have similar regulatory goals. However, there are differences in legislative structure, admission requirements, and funds preservation regulations. The study will analyze the appropriateness of the supervision regulation from the prospective of proportionate approach and seeking supervision balance.

Keywords: Payment Services Act in Japan, Advance Payment Methods, Single-purpose, Multi-purpose, Payment Service, Supervision Goal, Proportionate Approach
肆、 預付型支付工具監理規範內容之檢討
論著名稱 編著譯者
健保資料二次使用之個人資料保護立法芻議─111年憲判字第13號【健保資料庫案】判決之回應 張陳弘


In Taiwan Constitutional Court Judgment 111-Hsien-Pan-13, the legal issue under judicial view was—whether Articles 79 and 80 of the National Health Insurance Act and Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item 4 of the Personal Data Protection Act were in breach of the Constitutional Law. The Constitutional Court decided in said judgment that—(1) the National Health Insurance Administration’s establishment and management of the health database was conducted without an express authorization by laws and therefore was in breach of the principle of legal reservation as stipulated in Article 23 of the Constitution; and (2) the Personal Data Protection Act was enacted to serve as a baseline protection for information privacy and was not only for the health database; Article 6, Paragraph 1, Item 4 is therefore not in breach of the principle of legal certainty and principle of proportionality. While said judgment has ruled that the relevant regulations are in breach of the Constitutional Law for lacking appropriate regime in providing individuals to stop others from using their own personal data, there is little guidance provided in said judgment as to what is the appropriate regulatory mechanism for purpose of protecting health data if such data will be processed in a health database organization. This article proposes that while the collection and usage of health data has become an important part of developing smart health industry and it is a global trend to build up heath database, it is more practical to look for approaches to improve the infrastructure of personal data protection; with an improved and better structured health database for matters of information privacy protection, the database might be able to offer an enhanced level for protection personal data. This article proposes that, in designing an appropriate protection regime in the future, the Human Biobank Management Act can be referred to as a model with appropriate amendments made with reference to the comparative law study.

Keywords: National Health Insurance Research Databases, Personal Data Protection Act, Taiwan Constitutional Court Judgment 111-Hsien-Pan-13, Information Privacy, Health Data, Data Governance